Sunday, July 15, 2018

Potemkin Village World cup

They think it's almost over. The English from Russia with love are very impressed with Putin's shiny bright Potemkin fantasy football extravaganza.

Wow. The Russians love their children too! (Stalin was my uncle, Adolf loved dogs,Castro loved cigars and meantime all the journalists are tided up in the basement)

What's a little poisoning between friends? Vlad the impaler ex KGB goon is really a nice cuddly guy with a crooked sly smile granted but its all propaganda got up by the British press don't you know.Quite why he is a multi multi millionaire or is it billion we are not quite sure since he has never had a real job in his life but who are we to judge, businessmen are a crooked lot anyway and capitalism is passe.

Glad we've cleared all that up then.

Well it was the land of Tolstoy and Checkov et al so I guess fiction and story weaving is in the Russian soul -if it had one. Maybe in a land of make believe who needs the Master and Margarita anyway? Only Solzenitsyn is looking on with grim amusement at human being's capacity for  bottomless credulity...

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