Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Conclusions from my last post

Following on from my Russian roulette with democracy post what do the now exposed former faux lovers and advocates of democracy as the Holy Grail of politics now want? Isn't it obvious? Technocracy,rule by the self elected elites - That is to say the EU, a project of the elites or pseudo elites to be more accurate as they were never the elite of anything other than illiberalism and their own miss estimation. The political scum rises to the top.

Or more to the point democracy was always illiberal from the start but now the pro democrats find it to be less illiberal than they desire. Sometimes it would come up trumps for them and they could live with it. But it was always immoral. Now they are going for what they desired all along,a liberal authoritarianism. So we see how democracy is just a launching pad,a stepping stone to the true real destination of the political pygmy elites -outright totalitarianism.Tryranny light becomes a hard tyranny.

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