Saturday, October 22, 2011

St Paul's Nemesis

Hoist on its own peturd St Paul's only has itself to blame for siding with the disgusting dirty smelly Marxist scumbag protestors in their pathetic anti Capitalist absurdist encampment in the heart of London.Indulging in some cheap gesture politics of their own the church initially sided with the bums but as soon as it became apparent that their ever expanding lodgement was interfering with their operations (not least monetary ones) they have volte faced and asked them to leave.Unsurprisingly the moronic protesors are bemused by this about turn and are refusing to go.What a delightful spectacle gentle readers for our enjoyment and perhaps we can speak as one when we say 'a plague on both your houses'.Lesson to the church.If you invite Satan in for tea and biscuits don't be surprised if he is not in a hurry to leave.

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