Friday, October 28, 2011

Answering My Conservative Critics

As a regular visitor to Conhome and other Conservative sites I come across a lot of hostility to my pro Capitalist views. Only half the comments I post see the light of day as they seem to be very sensitive to criticism and can only take so much.They are quite happy to let left wing people post however so I leave others to draw their own conclusions on that one.I should not be surprised at this I suppose but I am for several reasons.The level of incomprehension I meet with is quite shocking.I am accused of being Stalinist, an SWP mole trying to discredit Capitalism! I will leave that job to the Conservatives as they are past masters at that.My Conservative critics have far more in common with Stalin than I do as many support socialised health care,redistribution of wealth, the welfare state.I can only conclude that this ignorami are products of the State education system and have had all the common sense and intelligence bred out of them courtesy of UK Socialist indoctrination from birth.They are prone to projection accusing me of the very things they are guilty of.Ad hominem assaults and abuse are all they have as obviously there have no arguments against my position.

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