Friday, October 14, 2011

Softly Softlt Catchee Nothing

Watching policemen in town not handling drunks.In America the bums would have been on the ground and handcuffed instead of which they were insulting the police and getting away with it.The police seemed more interested being photoed by members of the public with their friends.What are they for?They just want to be liked.Pathetic and yet they truly believe their policing is superior to America's.It is soft and decadent and the reason why we have so much crime.Yes the police are now corrupt and seem to be on the side of the criminals.If I had voiced these complaints they probably would have arrested me.I am glad the government is reviewing the way the police are paid and their crooked practices.They need a radical overhaul and their whole passive non confrontational approach to law and order thrown out the window with all the other Left wing PC nonsense they have imbibed these past decades.If they do not protect the public what exactly are we paying them for?

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