Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Michael Moore Fat Bloated Capitalist Hypocrite

Jabber the Hut Michael Moore gets the easiest ride on the MSM since that other arch faker and blowhard Lord Tony Benn.When this Capitalist pig Moore graces the stations studios a hallow hovering over him,the interviewers speak in hushed reverential tones as they gently direct their softball questions to him which is his cue to launch into his tedious rambling monologues replete with wild generalisations devoid of facts or substantiation, tumbling forth like a torrent of verbal sewage.No probing questions,no challenge to his absurd assertions.This is a religious experience not an interview.Mr Moore is now sanctified by the MSM.To question this absurd hypocritical jackass would constitute a liberal heresy.The world according to Moore is so morally inverted and distorted so shot full of logical holes and ridiculous non sequitirs, a mind-numbing serving of hare brained ratiocinations,that one emerges from this miasma of absurdity as if from a drunken spree.This Tony Benn with a baseball hat, hypocrite of the lowest order,a multi millionaire pretending to be an ordinary working stiff standing up for the beleagurered proles and organising a global Communist revolution, pandered to by a craven MSM not even pretending to conceal its liberal partisan Leftist bias should serve as a reminder that we are in an age of mass credulity,a flight of reason and given to the irrational worshipping of cretinous idiots with the iq and common sense of an amobea.

1 comment:

niconoclast said...

Walk away from all this nonsense right now.The government has no mandate to give one penny to the EU.It is a criminal cartel.To mortgage us and future generations should be a criminal offence with a long jail sentence.The EU traitors are many and they should be named and exposed.Is Bernie Madoff running this Ponzi scheme and why on earth does Mt Redwood persist in telling us we have to remain inside this madhouse. His denial on this issue borders on the pathological.What is the point of having a superbrain if you cannot figure out that we must leave this lunatic asylum called the EU.Now.My three year old child could figure that out.(if I had one)