Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Nazional Health Service part two

The committment of NHS blog doctor and his ilk to his profession is admirable and into the relam of the heroic but personally I feel modern medicine has lost its way.Everyone thinks there is a pill for everything but that is against nature really.If people want to buy into such a system fine,let them pay for it in private practice.I oppose therfor the NHS and all its works.Imagine they spend money killing babies and elsewhere they spend money on IVF treatment.Cosmetic surgery. NHS has lost its way big time.

I don't trust the tories to sort any of this out -in fact the way they are now I wouldn't trust them with used toilet paper.

The NHS encourages neurosis and hypocondria because it is free(ha ha) at the point of abuse.It feeds into a malingerer's ethos,as thousands with their imaginary illnesses clog up an already malfunctioning system.If they had to pay upfront for every visit they would soon discover the benefits of good health.

Mainly I oppose thr NHS because it is a socialist system and we all know how lethal that is to your health.If there was to be a real Capitalsit Party (and I predict there will be one in a few years if not sooner) getting rid of the NHS and all its evil works will be number one on the list of 'things to do'.

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