Wednesday, September 27, 2017

End of Ideology Theory Debunked

Now that the ideology taboo consensus of the last 20 years since the Blair Switch Project ie that no party should have a philosophy let alone dare speak its name has been well and truly smashed with the meteoric rise of Corbyn it would be good for democratic plurality if the tories were to rediscover ideology and start articulating it before Corbyn wins by default.Will there be any sign of that in the upcoming Conservative conference? Expect porcine aviation before that happens.

Under the present political system it has been demonstrated that it is all but impossible for a third party however seemingly popular and successfull in tapping the zeitegeist to break through - witness Ukip's rise and fall, but it hard to see how any relief from the dreary statism of the political classes can be circumvented without a new political movement and party to challenge the statist quo.

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