Tuesday, December 10, 2013

On the 8th day God Created Nelson Mandela

Or was it the 7th? As the deification of the saintly Mandela gathers apace brought to us by the drooling BBC worshipfesters perhaps it is time to reflect on the true lesson of Mandela rather than the official liberal media version of his rise to demi-Godhood.The lesson will not be one the liberal bien passant wish to hear and it is this.Long jail sentences work! 27 years in jail and the Marxist Communist firebrand terrorist converted into a peace loving saintly Ghandi figure.Had he been released on the standard liberal grounds of penal correctness he would have become a very different figure -more like a Mugabe than the Mandela we all know today.So,liberals,lock em up and throw away the key if you want more Ghandis emerging from our prisons.

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