Sunday, December 29, 2013

Winds of Change?

Could there be a UK Spring?People are beginning to give two jeers for Democracy,realising somewhat belatedly that it is a bill of goods and poses a very real threat to their freedom liberty and life choices.Why for instance should a good education depend on the vagaries of one's postcode rather than a proliferation of good schools to chose from which would be the case in a free society? Why should the government decide what sort of healthcare is available making a visit to the hospital only slightly less dangerous than a game of Russian roulette?Why do we have to pay the government a licence just to watch TV -are we in North Korea or Cuba?Democracy gives each man the right to be his next door neighbour's dictator,it does not do what it says on the label and rather than seeking to export it to benighted Middle East hell holes we should take a good hard look in the mirror of democracy and recognise the ugly pinched quasi totalitarian construct that is and reject it.What would it be replaced with you ask?! Capitalism of course,unregulated,laissez faire.Not overnight but over a ten fifteen year period of transition.

1 comment:

niconoclast said...

e State should be reduced by 90%, all government land and property sold,the ridiculous parasitic monarchy dissolved,taxation reduced and then abolished over time, the welfare state dismantled and lest we forget it was european Statism that caused the two world wars along with conscription that is an attendant element of statism.Without the power to raise taxes governments would not be able to wage insane wars in the first place.