Sunday, December 22, 2013

Last Month Atlas Shrugged

The Employ Strikes Back! A new film,telling the story about how for the first time in British industrial history a company refused to bend the knee to the tyrannical unions and issued them with a stark ultimatum: accept our reasonable terms and conditions or we will close down this business and you will all be out of a job.Except that it is not a film but a real life event here in the UK.I forget the details and name of the company but anyone who follows these things will remember this case.The important thing is that the cowardly intimidating unions had their bluff called,they blinked first and now the the company was saved,the empoyees jobs were saved,and the whole country could also be saved IF we take the lesson away with us and apply it to all future union confrontations:just say NO to the Fascist Left.

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