Monday, November 05, 2012

The Road To Selfdom - Business Shrugs

Employers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chainstores.You are bled white to feed an ideology of death that claimed millions of lives over the centuries but just in recent times decimated lands and peoples and now like the dog returning to its vomit the States across the world seek to reimpose this tyranny with burdensome taxes and micro managing business and free enterprise, weighing it down with Marxist Red tape and directives from bloshevik bureaucracies across the western world intent on another round of serfdom and tyranny.No! Resist,refuse,strike for liberty!We do not mean put down your tools and close up shop.No we need more sophisticated measures than that.Let us be as subtle and serpentine as the enemy.Let us learn from its insidious stealth handbook.I propose witholding of taxes across the board,incrementally in unison.You need a Union! Study the enemy,the enema within and learn from the instruction.To be continued(here)

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