Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Israel -Hatred Of The Good For Being The Good

We don't like heroes.We like underdogs and more dog they are the more we love them.Heroes we cannot handle,brave countries that stand on principle,valour courage,tenacity morals and ethics we loathe and fear in equal measure.Israel the nation is hated by all for just those things.It reminds us of how we back down and appease,truckle and compromise with evil on a daily basis in our own lives and nationally.The last thing we want is a reminder of our own moral depravity and sickness,our evil and cowardice,our inability to stand for anything and Israel by standing firm against the obscene evil as represented by Hamas and the Palestinians in general is a terrifying terrible painful reminder of our own immorality and appeasement of evil so we hate Israel and side with the subhuman Arabs.We want to see Israel brought low, to 'compromise' with the evil Paleswinains, anything but see them triumph and slay the evil.We want the UN to force them to capitulate and give in.To Hell with that.Go for it Israel,flatten Gazza and settle the Arab's hash once and for all.Shalom!

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