Sunday, November 04, 2012

Fat Slob Christie Hands Obama 5 More Years?

What an oaf Christie is standing side by side with the great black Satan just days before the most important date in American history for a generation.Do Republicans have a death wish or what? Why? Why do that,it beggars belief.Natural disasters are not the province of politicians and if Christie understood the role of the State he would know that but it seems that just under the surface of every Republican is a Socialist trying to get out.The dam breaks,the water floods in and suddenly all principles fly out the window and its we are all Socialists in this together.Calamitous and insane.The American people have little choice but to vote Mitt and save the country from complete and utter disaster.But bloated idiots like Christie do not make it an appetising choice and the man is looking more like a liability after such a promising start.Still one can only hope and if necessary pray that Americans do the right thing and rid themselves of the worst President since Roosvelt.

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