Sunday, November 04, 2012

NHS Witch Doctors

It must be good to be a NHS doctor.A patient comes in,whines about being depressed and you know that in 5 minutes you can get them out of your surgery by writing out a prescription for anti depressants which will probably addict them if not kill them and for this you get £1000,000 a year. Nice work if you can get it.More fictitious diseases are being created all the time and with them an attendant pill which the taxpayers have to subsidise though the socialized healthcare system and so general unhappiness is pathologised and we have half the nation addicted to toxic mind bending drugs.Who can doubt that the same cockamayne system obtains re cancer too?The only solution I can see is to have a free market in healthcare and people can subsidise their own drug dependency so us healthy non neurotic folk do not have to.As a friend once said when visiting a nurse in a mental establishment, what these people need is the 'Peter Lorrimar treatment'. He was a footballer in the early 70's who had a very big kick.All the patients would assume the position and Lorrimar would administer to each in person a tremendous kick up the arse and the cure would be effected .

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