Sunday, July 05, 2009

When It's Moral To Lie

The mother who lied about her place of residence to secure a position for her child in a good school has been roundly vilified in the MSM as if she had committed a crime of high treason.She lied to the State and with the State in its present form that is an act of virtuous self preservation and moral integrity.Her legion of critics suggest she is setting a bad example to her children which is precious nonsense.She is protecting her children from the capricious,imoral irrational over- weening State. Any parent worth thier salt would do the same thing.

Most of her critics are hypocrites who preach egalitarianism for other people's children and send their own to independent schools -and Labour politicians are the worst hypocrites of all in this matter.

Let us examine briefly just what parents are avoiding when circumventing the average State comprehensive school.Tens of thousands of children leave the State system not being able to read or write or think in the realm of ideas.They have no History just an unrelated highly selective tendentious politically correct interpretation of history.Geography is little nore than environmentalist propaganda.All subjects are debased by political correctness.Sex education promotes a morals free ethics and the idea that homosexuality is normal.

The whole rotten corrupt system is run by left wing teacher unions and corrupt politicians.Until education is freed from the dead hand of the State parents will continue to do whatever they can to militate against some of its worse effects and if that means lying to protect their children they would not be loving parents if they didn't.


Anonymous said...

No it is never moral to lie.

The woman thinks her kid is going to a good school but then she learns all the kids have come from parents who lied just like her, and the children do not apply themselves, demoralised to have something for nothing, and they wonder how such a school should end up becoming one of the worst and they take their kids out and rush them somewhere else they did not earn.

It takes one blade one grass to break a pavement, one 'moral to lie', to break a child.

niconoclast said...

It is 1942 and a German family are hiding Jews in the basement.The Nazis come knocking."Got any Jews?" they ask.According to you they should reply:"We cannot lie.They are in the basement.Go and get them".

You don't owe the truth to evil people.These days they don't come more evil or wicked than State functionaries.Lying to them to ensure your child does not end up in a school with 'special needs' is the duty of any decent parent.Not to do so would be tantamount to child abuse.

Anonymous said...

The Art of War is deception thus a lie does not exist in War.

What you hold is Taqiyya, to be part the problem and not the solution, living a lie for seeking an easy ride. Every illegal immigrant spreads poverty to a country.

No more than the single parent ofspring demanding to go to a private University because they are from a self-created deprived background.

There's a reason your kid is living in the wrong catchment area. Deal with it.