Sunday, March 23, 2008

Women's Proper Role

What is women's proper role in society you ask? Very well, I will tell you.

1. To meet man's physical needs - seasonly, within marriage.

2. To bear children (not to rear them -that is man's job)

3 What was the third one? Oh yes, to do the dishes -to be man's help meet.

Thats it! In the words of Roy Masters who was once asked what is a woman's role in soociety: "Nada,Nicht, Zilch -she has no role in society."

Do I hear a witches chorus of "chauvinist,sexist,neanderthal etc? The usual noises of feminists who cannot think straight but resort to ad hominems thinking that is all they have to do to shut down the debate.

The best women can be is pale imitations of men. To quote Roy Masters again, "Men are better than women at everything - even at being women".

Gender morphing is the result of allowing the feminists to set the agenda leading to the ugly phenomena of Fe-males and She-males. Homosexuality is rife. This of course is partly due to the de-industrialisation of the modern world. Men no longer do manly labouring jobs but have been forced into soft service industries which lend themselves to the more feminine skills. Homosexuality is a Bi-product of soft decadent post-industrial modernism.

Female enfranchisement has eroded the obvious differences and distinctions between the sexes and led to the infiltration of women into male work territory with catastrophic results.The armed forces and the police have been seriously emasculated posing a real threat to the survival of Western Democracy. Schools have been largely taken over by female teachers destroying the essential base of male role models for boys.Social workers employ a regiment of women leading to further inappropriate and wholly inadequate role models for mentally disturbed male youths.

Politically the result of feminism as discuseed previously is Communism, Socialism, Welfarism, Liberalism. The case against women playing any equal role in society is thus palpably manifest and self evident.

This is not to denigrate women or detract from their talents and skills etc although it may come across that way. Women can be very accomplished in all areas and there are exceptions to the general rule. Think of Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, Ayn Rand,Margaret Thatcher.Admitteldy the list is rather short.)I can think of a few other great female writers for instance like,Olive Schreiner,Flannery O'Connor, Christina Stead and more recently Julie Burchill, Melanie Phillips. There are even a couple of bloggers I have linked to! But the general rule holds.We are not in a good .

place Society-wise and unpleasant uncomfortable truths have to be confronted..

Note Disclaimer Wrote this years ago and it is frankly er bollocks!


Olive said...

In the words of Roy Masters, which I heard when I was 17 years old and into my 20's, time and again, he told us women that there were no good men out there, don't count on getting one. He said to young women ... start your own businesses. I think Roy is a true feminist, the real deal, because he emotionally sets women free from kow-towing to a man or depending on him for our livelihood and well-being. He encourages us to be Whole without them.

And thank goodness I live in the Great Satan, where this is possible (God bless America), because I am actually permitted to drive a car (albeit not as well as an inebriated man) and not in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, where I would have to play the discreet but flirty little sex object in hopes that some kind gentlemen would take me for one of his wives and give me the great honor of pumping out his kids.

You are right. Men and women are not equal.

To me, a woman's proper role is to be a Whole human being. This was Roy's message to me.

Anonymous said...

Olive, for Nico, an unwholesome male is better than a woman. Islam is full of them. 'Can't get enuff of that ho'.
Roy Masters thinks God is real. He can't put his finger on it, but Massah's out there.

A numpty is a numpty. A Follower numpty however is worse.

When women stop trying to live up to male dreams, they will become free. Males.... are just afraid of being men. So they become right-wing: bitching from the side that makes their vanity look good without ever raising their consciousness. They are nothing more than Jesus-fascists looking for doubt-free life from a Judao-Christian standpoint: God gave to me so I would never say "does my weener look small in this?"

I have met many right brain damaged sufferers: God's Word is True. Any God.
I have met many left brain damaged: The trees hold my true emotions.

When you can feel pain for the tree and pain for the over-indulgent societies you may realise: Forgive them, for the lopsided people do not know what they do.

This is old ground for Nico, and the benign Taliban society he offers is just as messed up as the Socialist model we have today.

There are some women not cut out to be mothers, and some men not cut out to be fathers. So don't.

Welcome to the great nature experiment. It's right before you. Nothing has it.

Jim said...

Hi Olive: From Nico: "Note Disclaimer Wrote this years ago and it is frankly er bollocks!"

Nico has come to his realization. Everyone is at a different level of realization.

That is what this acquiring discernment - from a free internet - is all about.