Saturday, March 01, 2008

Something Rotten In The State

Politicians are people pleasers and for the most part delluded inadequates who have never held a real job but who enjoy controlling those who do.They like to play vicarious philanthropism with other people's money.They pull the kind of stunts which if pulled by individual citizens would land them in jail but - they of course have immunity.

The system is corrupt.Democracy is a flawed concept because it gives 'each man the right to be his own dictator' to plunder from his neighbour with the politician being the middle man. Unless individual rights are enshrined in law democracy is little more than mobocracy -rule by the mob,of the lowest common denominator.

Man has gone to the moon,we have rocket science but politics is stuck in the the middle of the last century with all the old socialist structures - we are all socialist now.Tories apologise for their existence and promise not to lower taxes and tory voters are disenfranchised.(I could go on,I won't go on)

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