Saturday, March 08, 2008

Taxing Commonsense

The BBC World Service had a business programme on taxation this morning. All three guest speakers (surprisingly!) were pro taxation. One of the panel was from a London School of Oriental studies or some such and his remarks were telling. Taxation was a moral good,all those who 'stepped out of line' ie attempted to protect their earnings from predatory state confiscation should be 'named and shamed', the equivalent of being 'put in the stocks', an 'iron fist' should be used against them.

You can hardly imagine the same person using such violent language in the context of punishment for some criminal burglar or mugger. No, these words are directed against those criminal types who seek to keep what they have worked to achieve.

Until we can challenge this flagrant inversion of morality and expose it for what it is - a brazen assault on reason, values and liberty there is no hope a change in the culture will be effected.The defenders of taxation will maintain the higher moral ground by default and their monstrous impudence and chicanery will go unchecked.

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