Saturday, March 08, 2008

If It Waddles Like A Duck...


Yes! Here's why:

Conservatives are for high taxation. They support the NHS. They are pro State Education. They are pro abortion, pro BBC,pro foreign aid,pro state funded art,pro environmentalist pro EU,pro Welfare State. What else do they have to beleive in before they are named what they are: SOCIALIST! Suppport for any or a combination of the above defines a socialist!

The mystery why Conservatives have always been hesistant and timorous and defensive about capitalism is now obvious.They don't beleive in it! They damn it with faint praise,they defend it half-heartedly, apologetically,feebly,weakly.Their pusilaminous defense of freedom and liberty is worse than no defense at all because it creates the impression that theirs is a guilty,furtive,shameful,embarrassing belief, a love that dare not speak its name.

Why then have Conservatives been represented as pro-freedom and anti-big government when all their actions in office have contradicited this? Have they ever challenged the fundamental tenets of welfarism?

The most they can commit to is a better managed organised Socialism, a reformed socialism.Thus the argument against collectivism is never made and the collectivists orthodoxy prevails to decimate yet another generation and advance its inexorable road to serfdom.

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