Wimbeldon women to be paid the same as men? They are going to play five sets now are they? One more round in the battle of the sexes lost to women. Here's the elephant in the drawing room: women are weaker physically, mentally, morally intellectually and spiritually (and every other conceivable way) than men. That is why men lead and women follow. Reverse that natural order and hell is come again. Feminism is a cancer and it is devouring the world.
The lost cojones. A woman whipped matriachal society is a hell on earth of socialism, communism, worship of the Mother State. Drive the monstrous regiment of masculine females back in to the kitchen where they belong and they can do least harm.
Homosexuality and all the other curses belong at the door of the malevolent feminnazism sweeping the world.
Nuke women's rights!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
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I agree with your comments on Feminizm, but I couldn't in all good conscience look into an innocent girl-child's eyes and tell her she is mentally, morally, intellectually or spiritually "weaker" than a man. It is molding her Spirit from without, from the outside, telling her she can be this much and no more. This is a lie, and what's more, it's a sin. It's like Communism, programming someone into the role you want them to play.
Are Blacks mentally, morally, intellectually or spiritually weaker than Whites? This is what we were taught once upon a time here in Amerikkka. Too bad it's not true. People unfortunately are formed by the outward, by oppression and pressure, until they find how to grow from Within.
wouldn't say that to such a child either especially in those blunt terms. Facts of life don't have to be bludgeoned into children. They remain however, facts of life. As women you are just going to have to face the ineluctable truth and not pridefully and resentfuly(or otherwise) wish such truths away or resort to projection and ridiculously dismiss such truths as 'communism' or a 'sin'. When we overeact we do such silly things....(sigh)
I do not see women as any less than men any more than foot soldiers are less than seargeants. A chain of command exists and to seek to break it is to invite the kind of mess we are in today
I do not resent the truth, but your statement is not true. Yes, most men are physically stronger than most women, this is a biological fact, I agree. But the rest of your statement ... that women are "weaker" than men mentally, morally(!), intellectually and spiritually is simply your own skewed perception.
Men and women are culturalized differently. They have had different opportunities and circumstances which have formed them. Their brains also process a bit differently. Women can do math as well as men, though men seem to outperform women in this area. Women have much better language skills than men do, but this doesn't mean men can't speak or write a language well or learn a foreign language. Each one has their strengths to bring to the table.
Are Caucasians smarter than Africans? Are Asians smarter than Caucasians? Is an Asian women smarter than a Caucasian man? If you were to look at the scholastics of African-American children in America, you would believe that they had less intelligence than Caucasian children. And you would say that Asian kids had the most. But other factors need to be taken into consideration, it's not so simple as people would like to make it. So to make a statement like you did is not responsible. It may be what you observe, but sometimes we have to take off the blinkers.
As for the "chain of command," that is a completely different issue.
The women responsible for getting them the vote were all feminists and leftists. We didn't even have a socialist government until after female enfranchisement -the two coincided. No female vote, no Labour party, no welfare, no socialism,divorce, single parent families, abortion, homnosexuality, no social catastrophe that has flown from those things. This is incontestable.
How can you have a family where the man is voting conservatively and his wife is off to the ballot box voting for socialism. That is a house divided against itself. Ditto wives going out to work.
Chap round the corner from me was married for twenty years. Then his wife decided to get a job. Ran off with the boss. She had swapped her allegiances. Took the children with her of course. (Feminist divorce laws.)
Now we have women priests and teachers. Sorry. Boys need male role models. Schools are for girls. All has been feminized. Someone is blinkered round here but it ain't me.
I understand what you are saying about feminism. But to say women caused all of this isn't true. Men played a big role in this deterioration of our countries by not stepping up to the plate, by believing silly things like women aren't as intellegent or as moral or as spiritual. How can you expect any person of consciousness and awareness to take what you say seriously if you say things like this? It shows lack of thought. And if you really do believe this, your goal should be to bring women up to your level. This would be called Love. Or is it more convenient to keep us as inferior beings and blame everything on us?
You mention the guy around the corner from you, what about the men who for years have been gratifying their lust, running off with the younger secretary babe after twenty years of marriage, and the stupid submissive cow of a wife just accepts this because she had no choice. So now women do it, and are blamed for the deterioration of the country. The cancer was always there, hidden in male chauvinizm. Feminizm is the product of the hidden cancer, the lesions that are visible on the surface.
The solution is not to set up an ersatz "chain of command" and to march women back into the kitchen and to take away their vote. This will not save our countries.
Our hope is to be Centered people. To be real. Life is not a set of rules and regulations, it is growth and realization. It is taking responsibility and caring for people as Jesus did, and not assigning them caracaturish or stereotypical roles. It is freedom with responsibility ...be free to follow your heart but be responsible for your own life, for what you do and say always affects others, whether it is your friends, family, coworkers or children.
In a sense, there is a valid "chain of command" that Nature has created. And men have dropped the ball. When a man justifies his position by saying women are "less than," less intelligent, less moral, less spiritual," than them, then to me, that man isn't worth following, sorry. He is not conscious or aware of Reality, and is taking the easy way out ... to put down another to make his own weaknesses seem to pale in comparison. There are too many examples of so-called "manly" men that I would never follow, because they are not aware and conscious human beings. They come across as strong because they are propped up by lies and fairy tales about their place in the "chain of command" and about the nature of women.
I agree with you ... feminizm is a curse. But so is male chauvinism. Both are very ugly and destructive. One produces Communizm and socializm. The other produces Izlam. Both destroy freedom and distort truth. I don't want either.
What about Maggie?
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