Saturday, November 04, 2006

Taxing Question

Why has there never been an anti taxation party/movement in this country? It would be like pushing at an open door. Perhaps it is so obvious no one has done it. I sure would like to put it to the test. Getting financial support one would imagine would not be difficult. No one benefits from high taxation other than the parasitic politicians and administrators and the layabouts on welfare. The working population outnumbers them massively.

This is something to pursue methinks.


Sky Captain said...

An anti-taxation party would be great.
Trouble is, they would probably produce an entire package.
After all, everybody voted Nazi just to get Germany back on its feet.
Freedom?Freedom from taxation would be a wonderful thing, but they would probably find a way of bringing the 21st century Maggie down.

niconoclast said...

Return of the Magi. It would require Taxidermy.