Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Figes - Near Flawless Masterpiece

I have just read Orlando Fige's classic history of the Russian Revolution, The People's Tragedy. I wanted to give a brief comment review on Amazon but after doing so and attempting to post it I found out I had to register by giving my credit card details so as I do not trust online credit dealings I have decided to post it here instead rarther than bin it:

This is a classic - as big as its subject but well worth the long haul (over 800 pages). Having just finished it I almost want to start all over again...

My only caveat is that the author is handicapped by his left-leaning sympathies and is prepared to give the architects of Sovietism the benefit of the doubt vis a vis their good intentions whilst not extending the same to their Janus faced collectivist counterparts of Fascism. (Neither of course deserving such 'understanding')

Such a horrible lesson of history should be read by all those who still hanker romantically for collectivist solutions to human problems. One fears such people driven as they are by blind and near theological love of Statism will alas be immune to this monumental exposure of human stupidity.

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