Saturday, October 14, 2006

The News: Journalists Are Not Heroes

The ad nauseam reports of the trial regarding death of ITN journalist Terry Lloyd in Iraq is so symptomatic of the delusions of the MSM and its role in world affairs.

A man goes to a war zone and prides himself on not being embedded but wandering off in roving reporter style across a war zone, gets himself blown up and becomes a hero. You don't have to be a member of Mensa to know there is something wrong with this picture.

The man was an asshole with delusions of importance, a hack getting way out of his depths in a war he clearly had no understanding of whatsoever. On a mission to tell us the 'true story' MSM style the death of this nonentity has a perfect symetry and justice all of its own. The Americans got their man. End of. At least it should be.

How much taxpayers money is being wasted on a case that should never have come to court in the first place?

1 comment:

Sky Captain said...

They still haven't forgotten that the Yanks went to Iraq without 'international law' telling them what to do.
This is just another way of subjecting the USA to 'international law'.
They don't give a shit about dead journos.
Or they wouldn't contract them in the first place.