Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Dawkins, God's Idiot

The mad raving bigot is at it again with another book attacking religion. This man is surely proof not only of God's existence but of his sense of humour too. Only G would be able to create such a ridiculous posturing absurd figure as Dorkins in all his ranting egotism and delusions. He was clearly designed by God as a cautionary tale against rampant and unchecked intellectualism.

An alternative theory is that he is a product of unintelligent design but either way he is an amusing spectacle, great entertainment and an interesting study in religious mania. Grovelling at the false idol of science this fire and brimstone preacher of rationality has become a parody of the very thing he professes to despise: feverish fanaticism and dogmatic intolerance. Truly, you become the thing you hate.

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