Friday, October 13, 2006

Is This The Nadir?

A girl complains to her teacher that she has been placed in a group of children to discuss a topic in class and none of said pupils can speak english. The teacher cries racism and the girl ends up in a police cell for three hours having been told to take off her jewelry and shoelaces.

Outrage of course. Probably the very worst story I have ever heard about abuse of police powers. So much so that I am grappling for words to express the sheer insanity of this case as reported in the Mail today.

I'd like to think the school authorities and the police in question would be publically pilloried and thrown out of their jobs. But unless there is a concerted move by all parents it will probably be forgotten and by default tolerated. One more step on the long path to totalitarianism which we seem to be treading in somnambulism.

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