Saturday, March 11, 2006

How The Left Wins

You can get people to believe anything if you exert enough pressure on them.They proved this in experiments where people were actually inveighled into to applying what they thought were electrical shocks to strangers at the behest of a white uniformed figure of authority.Although the experiment was a fake, one man applying the shocks was easily persuaded to use the maximum power despite the clearly audible screams of the victim.

In another experiment they put a sign up saying 'Delaware closed for the weekend' and the majority of mototists after questioning the guard at the border were persuaded that Delaware was actually closed and drove away.

If someone is suggestible enough you can persuade them that their house is not their own and they will hand over the keys.Governments after all are pastmasters at convincing the masses that their property is not really theirs and belongs to the state.They do it every day.They utilise a pre existent national psychosis to tax the poor old British saps to the max and then some.They even convince them it is for their own good even though the evidence to the contrary stares them in the face everyday in the form of dirty disgusting virus infected third world NHS hospitals,schools that cannot teach children basic maths and english yet think it appropriate to pervert their minds with sick propaganda about homosexuality and illict sex amongst minors.

We have now been convinced that homosexuality is normal after pressure and intimidation from the sodomites through the media using shock and intimidation techniques known for decades by soviet brainwashing psychoplitical change agents.One group is called Stonewall,another 'Act up' connoting the essential puerile and infantile tactics employed.Like a spoilt child that badgers it's hapless parent until said parent gives in and the child prevails,corrupted,enabled and captured by the evil that acts through it and seeks to destroy the natural order of good and decency in the world in order to reign on earth as it does in hell. .

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