Saturday, March 04, 2006

Cheek By Jowl With Capitalism

Berluosconi is my hero.A role model for all aspiring capitalists.He has managed to combine the entrepreneurial with politics -a unique feat surely.The only politician I can respect is one who has been and still is a successful businessman.What a contrast with Dave the no nothing done nothing effete Etonite Two Notions(both wrong -come to that later) Tory with his condescension,his oleaginious superfluities,vapid vacuities,pallid pusillanimity,stale bromides slippery equivocating Orwellianisms.

No. Berlusconi is the Man.Il Duce of Capitalism, who dared to speak up to the German fascists in the European Parliament(sick).A man who has amassed vast fortunes by dint of intellectual ingenuity and work.No wonder the entrepreneurial manques of New Labour want a bit of the magic and think - albeit mistakenly - that it can be acquired by osmosis/ association.

If the Jowells had to employ Byzantine financial prestitidgitation to circumvent the communistic criminal tax laws whose fault is that other than the makers of such redistributive systems of legal plunder?

Let us celebrate the beauty of capitalism now matter in how unlikley a source - ie New Labour -it is found.

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