Monday, October 10, 2005

Justice Behind The Looking Glass

A 12 year old girl who tried to hang a 5 year old boy from a tree with a rope has been ordered to pick up litter in a park.You think I am making it up gentle reader?No.Welcome to that parallel luniverse called British Justice.

On a BBC radio programme they discussed it with the usual suspects: a child psychiatrist and a barrister.They spent the whole programme talking about the rights of the offender to be protected and the victim could quite literally go hang.

When they show those reality police programmes on TV if the offenders are children they always blank out their faces to protect their identity Why? Let them be seen,named and shamed.

What would constitute justice here?A public flogging for that girl,a good thrashing for all the dumb social workers, do gooders,child psychiatrists,liberal nitwits that run our judiciary,allowing crime to flourish with their 'there there',coddling, pandering,delinquent-enabling,tax funded crime protection industry.

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