Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Blunket's Blind Man's Bluff

We've heard it all before.Welfare Reform Ad Nauseam. Now it is revealed that 9 Billion pounds is lost on Welfare fraud.(That is a tautology if ever there was one:Welfare Is fraud.)

Cheats are caught on video playing golf whilst claiming disability allowance -a literal case of swinging the lead .2 million people are on disability for either stress - that catch-all get-out for the idle, and back pain - both practically impossible to prove,hence their popularity.

Don't anyone try to tell me that socialism is about compassion.It is the modern slavery where the working class support the non working class on pain of imprisonment if they demur. Government as mafia and the welfare state as a protection racket where if you don't pay instead of crudely beating you up they throw you in jail.

No tinkering with this insane system will do.It must be systematically dismantled and the way to bring that about would be good old civil disobedience and widespread non payment of taxes organised by the put upon middle class.They are as mad as hell and they haven't spoken yet.

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