Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Northern Ireland Anti Loyalist Bias

Whilst not condoning the present loyalist riots in Northern Ireland I cannot help but notice the double standards the government and media operate under when condeming it. James Whale on Talk Sport Radio allowed endless callers to attack loyalist and Orangemen but when someone came on to defend the loyalists he cut him off and wouldn't allow him to speak.Whilst being a crude example of bias this is by no means an isolated example of it.

Thirty years plus of Ira terrorism that continues to this day is somehow airbrushed away and not seen as a bar to Sinn Fein participation in politics whilst loyalists are written off as beyond the pale for far less crimes.

As I have previously mentioned Blair's appeasement of the Ira is in total contradiction with his hard line against world terrorism and the loyalist riots cannot be seen as being disconnected from the gross and continued bias against the loyalist community by this present government.

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