Saturday, September 10, 2005

Liberalism Is A Mental Illness

I used to think that liberalism was a political philosophy but now I realise it is a psychological confession.

BBC Radio Four is full of it.You cannot turn it on for five minutes without being assailed by liberalism. This morning Walters from Pink Floyd was attacking Bush and it was so cliched sloppy thinking straight out of the left wing handbook as if all liberals have been to the same School of Dumb.

Why do most people from the entertainment industry hold left wing views that are so at odds with how they live their own lives -a rich elite who live as far away from the common man in their gated mansions as they could possilby get.

Then it was the former editor of the times Harold Evans rambling on about America's Spencerian Social Darwinism and how the New Orleans disaster will lead America back to core values of higher taxation and socialism.

Polemics and propaganda has its place on the media but the BBC Guardian agenda is one sided partisan biased broadcasting and flies totally in the face of it alleged ethos as a public broadcasting institution.Why does it continue to flout its own charter with impunity and such brazen contempt?


JK said...

Liberalism has become an insane asylum for the mentally disturbed members of our society. Listening to the various liberals is like attending a concert performance of one long, tedious unison monody. If anything, liberalism carries the trademark of mass hypnosis induced by pushing the right buttons in combination with repeated media exposure. It's high time conservatives raise their voices and get more media exposure.

Whereas leading rock musicians once fancied themselves to be 'rebels without a cause', standing up to authority, nowadays they have sunk into the pit of ridicule even further, having become parodies of what they thought they were, conforming to the dull mind numbing bah-bah of the liberal mother-sheep.
As such, I have more respect for someone like Alice Cooper who mocked the new vogue of emerging political awareness among musicians, than I have for the wining self-abusing nincompoops who cover up their lack of original creativity by chanting in the Bush-hate choir to get approval ratings.

niconoclast said...

Maybe they feel guilty for not earning their money honestly and to assuage that guilt they 'protest too much'.

Now and again you get a few that are conservative ie Ted Nugent,but I cannot think of any others right now!