Monday, September 26, 2005

Council Tax Tyranny Claims More Victims

So a second old age pensioner has been thrown in jail for not paying her council tax in full -it having gone up over 100% in the past decade.Surely now the rumblings of revolt will grow apace.

The racket has to be exposed.Money goes to worthless parasitic government employees to shuffle paper and obsfuscate and tie everyone up in red tape.Precious little quality services are provided for all those taxes.The police are little more than change agents for political correctness,criminals have taken over the streets,the educational service is in meltdown and still the profiteering political racketeers keep on upping the ante.

Thugs with criminal records like telephone numbers stalk the streets free to roam and terrorise at will,while old people are thrown in jail for not being able to meet the extortionate demands of a power crazed,corrupt kleptocratic local government Thiefdom.

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