Friday, March 11, 2005

UK Asylum Tsunamis

Brilliant programme by Rod Liddle on ch 4 TV exposing 'asylum' seekers as disease ridden,crime bringing, welfare draining, religion corrupting bacillus. A defacto form of germ warfare on the indigenous UK population.

When I see a skyline of Mosques in the UK I experience a visceral recoil of repugnance that completely bipases the cerebral cortex. First impressions are right every time. Then comes the intellectual analysis that delivers the same verdict: this is not what I and millions of other Brits want for our country.

Let the entrepreneurs stay here,the restauranters,takewayers,businessmen that have contributed so much to this country,but the unskilled,non english speaking freeloaders -chuck em all back - and I don't care about due process or Geneva Convention or the EU or the UN or any of those other corrupt criminal bogus institutions. To hell with the lot of them. We knew and practiced fair play long before any of those wretched organisations existed.

It is time to use the D word -and a politician in Holland uttered it on the programme yesterday: DEPORTATION!