Just when things were going well for the Tories they shoot themselves in the foot by over reacting re Flight and his 'injudicious' comments that more cuts on government spending will take place after the election if the tories win.
More government cuts is just what the doctor ordered and the tories should be proud of this intention,not shy and coy about it, let alone going so far as to sack an able minister for having the temerity to broach the subject.
A few cool cuts would include 20% off income tax, outright abolition of VAT, 70% off gas for starters.
The Tories could announce that the NHS will be privatised, State Education ditto and people will be given back power over their lives re health and education. Everything Government touches turns to dross -Midas in reverse. We need less politics,less government,more freedom.
Be bold Howard. Be Thatcheresque and finish the revolution!