Saturday, December 20, 2014

The left and its strange sympathies

Watching George Galloway interviewing the daughter of Che Guevara on the Soviet TV chanel RT,  drooling and   almost wetting himself in the presence at one remove of such a hero of the Left it makes me wonder why the left romanticises totalitarianism and hero worships an obvious thug hoodlum and criminal like Che Guevara.Perhaps its the same reason why some people romanticise the mafia - the Godfather syndrome.Whilst the left would recoil in horror at the totalitarian Right they seem to develop myopia when it is their side doing the tyranny.The end justifies the means I suppose.If individual rights,liberty and freedom have to be sacrificed to create their leftist vision of 'fairness' then so be it.When such contempt for liberty and disregard for individual rights prevails it is hardly surprising that the result is a charnel house of death and destruction on an industrial scale.There is very little difference between the martyrisation and deification of Che and that of the the Jihadi sucide bombers and Isil whose militant Islamism is not so different from  Marxism in its colletivist dystopic vision..

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