Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Statism versus the non- coercive State

When discussing the evils of statism with folk the standard response is 'so you are an anarchist then?' as if the only solution to an over bearing state were no state at all.The majority of such respondents say this out of genuine confusion but others deploy such an argument as a smear to deter people from exploring alternatives to statism.The answer to statism is a limited state,a capitalist system under the rule of objective law and moreover - and this is the essential element of the dynamic - a state funded by voluntary contribution,voluntary taxation if you will, thus removing the coercive element of taxation which is theft by the state.The state is not a necessary evil but a necessary good.Unlike most libertarians and anarchists the state is not viewed with hostility as something to be abolished but as the essential safeguard of freedom liberty and the rule of law within a capitalist system.The state has a monopoly of force and without it the anarchy witnessed in some african states and parts of the middle east would prevail.Imagine rival police forces and militias and rival legal systems fighting it out on the streets and you begin to see the anarchy and mayhem that would result from competing legal and police forces.

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