Saturday, December 27, 2014

Churchill's Warning

In 1945 after  leading the victory against German socialism Churchill warned the British people of the dangers of English socialism via a general election win by the Labour party but they were drunk on victory and brushed aside his prophetic warnings.Chiefly he asserted that socialism was totalitarian in nature and that a socialist win would necessitate a stripping away of much fought for liberties going back centuries and that a police state eg a gestapo. would be required to maintain it.

He was scorned and Labour, led by the appropriately Lenin lookalike  Clem Atlee won a landslide victory and proceeded to nationalise all privately run businesses:energy,coal mines,health service etc.The State grew alarmingly and exponentially bigger than any time in Britsh history,taxes rose and liberty became a long distant memory.Gulled by a hideously distorted romantic view of Soviet Russia the Britsh people slowly but surely became socialised subjects,supplicants of a burgeonining state efectively selling their souls for a pair of nation health spectacles.

By the time people realised the horrors and truth of the Soviet system they were hoplessly ensnared in a socialist web of their own weaving and it was impossible to extricate themselves.Soviet invasion was not required for the British people had done it to themselves.

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