Sunday, September 15, 2013

What does the Freedom Party stand for?

Freedom. Individual rights based on rational self interest.A rejection of the morality of altruism that states that people exist for the benefit of others as opposed for themselves.Humans are not to be treated as sacrificial victims on the altar of the needs of others no matter how socially desirable such people's requirements may appear to be.This means a total rejection of collectivism be it socialist,liberasl or conservative varieties.Man does not exist to serve the public good because the latter is a meaningless subjective term intended to disarm enquiry and defy defintion which is why it is so beloved of statists across the board.Whenever some narrow poltical agenda requires it the proponents of any measure can always wheel out that decrepid old crone public interest in order to perpetrate another violation of civil liberties and present themselves in so doing as lily white lovers of human decency all the while ignoring the fact that in order to achieve this chimera they have had to trample on the civil liberties of thousands to get there.To challenge altruism which is the sacrifice of a value for a non value is to strike right at the heart of the liberal beast and challenge it where it lives,on the shaky foundations of a false premise.To the demand of liberals,bare your neck for the public good the only response can be an unequivocal simple NO.

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