Sunday, September 08, 2013

Is A Return To Capitalism Possible?

Excuse the following list of questions but they are screaming out to be answered.As we wend our way remorselessly down the long and winding road to serfdom is it not imperative to ask can we halt this headlong pursuit along this path to ruination and avoid the destination of totalitarianism? In this age of Mass communication why are we on this path at all may be the question to address. Why are there so few voices raising the alarm and pointing out the perilous path we are on? Those who ask questions ask the wrong ones.Why has the idea of freedom and liberty been so neglected and taken for granted?Ok enough questions.Time for answers.The cause of our present sorry pass is bad philosophy taken with our mother's milk unquestioned and unchallenged.The cause is bad education and the abject failure of our intellectuals down the centuries to write and think clearly and speak honestly about the human condition and dilemna,the proper role of the state and what freedom and individual rights mean.Apart from Aristotle and Ayn Rand the world and realm of ideas has been co opted by cranks,fools,chalatans liars,disemblers,obsfuscators,haters of truth,sociopaths and mendacious self serving fantasists.The biggest betrayers of all are the Conservatives as they have masqueraded from the beginning as defenders of liberty but throughout their long and ignominious history they have done more than and to sell the pass to the Left,the collectivists of mind and matter and sell us into slavery of the big State.But lest I be accused of pointing out the error without offering a solution let me get to the way forward.Have people even been presented with an alternative vision for man,one that does not involve the State monitoring and controlling his every thought, feeling and action,that does not regulate his commerce and violate his liberty at every turn,that does not obstruct and frustrate free association and trade, unimpeded by taxation regulation levy fee licence and control? There is hope.Here in the UK we have seen the inexorable rise of a fourth party UKIP which is challenging the Conservatives at long last and giving them a run for their money.Lacking any principle or philosophy the Conservatives true to form have bent to pressure and are now accommodating anti EU sentiment and show all the signs of embracing their inner eu skeptic for purely cynical opportunist reasons of course.This demonstrates that a populist pro liberty party with a libertarian bent could emerge with the right leadership and actually put forward an exciting vision of freedom and liberty that challenges all the collectivist dogma we are reared on in all our prevailing establishments and institutions.The rise of the internet should serve to give this movement momentum even if up to now that appears not to have happened.Pure economics alone will not suffice as people need a moral argument for Capitalism and that would have to involve invoking self interest as a good moral thing and not anathema and evil as it is presented in our culture today and since almost the beginning of time.Why the deafening silence from libertarians in the media?I am back to questions.To end on a positive note and to paraphrase,silence is complicity and we who beleive in freedom have to in our own small way start speaking out against the encroachment on our liberties and challenge received ideas about what is moral and ethical,what the role of the state is and organize for change like the Left does,but with the crucial difference that we will have right on our side.

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