Saturday, September 28, 2013

Statism and its Pretzellogic

One of the salient characteristics of the State and its operations is its illogicality and absence of commonsense in policy.Take the issue of the minimum wage brought in under the last Labour administation.Most people recognise but will not articulate from the pressures of political correctness that the minimum wage has had a catastrophic effect on young people entering the job market and has priced them out of it completely.The polite fiction that it is done to protect people from exploitation is as hollow as it is ridiculous.So now we have chronic youth unemployment and millions on the dole and what does the government propose?Workfare! Instead of being able to freely negotiate a wage with an employer of say four pounds or so young people will now be forced to work for nothing!It is no accident that with the advent of the minimum wage came in its train soon after the phenomena of unpaid internships.No one connected the dots and the vested interests of the State and its hirelings are certainly not going to do it for us as their sinecured jobs depend on us not recognising the asininity of their destructive policies.Needless to say the Freedom Party would abolish the minimum wage and give young people therby the invaluable experience that comes from working and the ability to work their way up the wage ladder to economic freedom through hard work and attendant promotion.

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