Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Why Democracy Sucks(.com)

Democracy sucks because: I don't want my next door neighbour or anyone else determining what sort of education and school I send my children to (if I had any) or what sort of health care I choose to have.Simples.Any more than I would want my neighbours determining what shopping I purchase or house I buy -I don't want those things put to a collective vote thank you very much.To my neighbours I would simply say if you think you are too cretinous or infantile to make such choices on your own using your hopwfully informed independent judgement go hand your life over to a committee or bunch of failure loser bureaucrats and let them run it for you.Good luck with that one but don't ask me to do the same because unlike you I am quite happy and competent enough to make such decisions myself.That's why democracy sucks.It is enforced infantilsm of the poopulace by a parasitic self selecting liberal elite whose only sense of life is the life it can extract from the masses by enslaving them through dependency and learned helplessness.Welfare is the ultimate tyranny.Hereth endeth lesson for the day.

1 comment:

niconoclast said...

Mr Hitchens is a keen deconstructor of modern Conservatism but when it comes to flying under false colours which he claims the latter is guilty of, is he not equally guilty of this himself? How can someone claim to be anti Left whilst holding to the main tenets of Leftism ie Mr Hitchens endorses the 45 Labour government,supports nationalisation in many areas whilst at the time time purporting to be ignorant of the fact that the latter policy was lifted directly from the Communist Manifesto.A little odd when he was in bed with those comrades in his juvenescence. And lastly of course he is with Stalin who thought it was the role of the State to be the engineer of human souls. Mr Hithens wants the nationalisation of the human soul and wants the State to police what people choose to ingest.Implicit in this is the idea that human beings belong to the State,not themselves. How this squares with his belief in liberty is anyones guess.There is no coherent philosophy in all of this,just scatter gun excoriation of all who displease him. All entertaining enough but hardly instructive.