Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Essay.Why Welfare Is Designed To Kill

First enslave the masses with welfare.Make them dependent on agents of the State who administer the welfare dependency poison.Junkies of the state care for only one thing: their next fix.The politicians who promise more ill gotten welfare take the electoral prize.This we call Democracy.People vote for their own enslavement like Jews paying for the privilege of travelling on the trains to Auschwitz.We finance our own destruction.How we crave more of the same poison and demand yet more government succor as our sense of freedom and liberty is eroded by our dependency.We call this civilized caring society.It is a parasite's paradise where everyone preys on everyone else.This is now a global Ponzi scheme as countries around the world have adopted it and enslaved themselves to State created dependency.None dare call this conspiracy and madness.Only a minority see the insanity because they are the ones paying for it.The small productive independent business people,entrepreneurs the so called 1% who are forced to finance their own servility and captivity via the tax grab of the fruits of their labour.They are a helpless minority served up as a tasty milch cow for the idle and parasitic non working welfare classes.

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