Thursday, January 31, 2013

Democracy and its Malcontents

Poor little Ian Dale was crying girly tears for the death of politics on his weeny LBC radio programme the other night.I sent him a text but he didn't read out any texts so he owes me 50p and half an hour of my life wasted waiting for him to read out people's texts and hopefuly,mine.What I was trying to tell him in said text was that people have seen through the lie of poltics and want none of it.The 21st century will be the age of the individual.The internet amd mass communication means that people will simply not tolerate the lumbering sclerotic old crone called Democracy with its 'you can have any colour you like as long as it is black' arrogance,pettifofgging totalitarian over reach and its dead hand moribund pretetensions of omnipotence and competence.Why should we have to put our individual choices re health,education,transport etc to some collective vote as if we were children and cannot arrange our own affairs in those matters and all the others that the creeping ever meddling mendacious State has encroached upon over the decades?Screw you Dale and the political classes with your delusions of proprietorship over our lives,we have seen through your corruption and criminality and will opt for freedom and liberty instead thank you very much.

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