Sunday, May 18, 2008

Is Cameron A Latent Schizophrenic?

One reason why Tory leader Cameron refuses to fess up re his cannabis use is that it has left him with a spliff personality, a bifurcated bicameral-cameron consciousness whereby the patient holds two mutually exclusive belief systems at the same time.Left and right are waging unresolved war in his head and this manifests in his muddled pronouncements and contradicitory positions.All the classic symptoms of schizophrenia provenanced by cannibis abuse are exhibited in his eratic statements.

This personality disorder manifested in Cameron's conflation of political irreconciliables can prefigure severe psychosis if not treated at an early stage.Cameron should be forced to subject himself to a lie detector test re his past drug history before his unchecked path to power spells national doom.


Rodge Austin said...

what do think of my new image?

niconoclast said...

Very debonair! Start ranting though.