Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dianne Abbot Hypocritical Black Bitch

The smug awful woman Dianne Abbot on Desert Island Discs with her precious phoney cut glass English accent is a piece of work even by dismal Labour standards.Specialising in rank hypocrisy this is the woman who was on the hard Marxist loony left in the 80's who ended up sending her son to a private school plumbing new depths of hypocrisy and double standards.Even now she cannot admit that that she is a two faced lying bitch who likes to preach to the masses egalitarian claptrap and opts for elitism and privilege for her and her own.

This 'working class' woman whose parents (referred to repeatedly as 'mummy and daddy') owned property and rented rooms like any Rackmanesque landlord, were pre-Thatcherite Thatcherites yet Abbot with her leftist pretensions decided to infiltrate the establishment to promote her mad Marxist agenda,ending up at Oxford,on to the civil service and thence to Labour - at that time red in tooth and claw.

This is woman who looks back on the inner city black riots of the early 80's when Enoch's chickens were coming home to roost with something akin to relish as the launching pad for her ignominious carreer.She proudly reminisces on how she was at the vanguard of this seditious period,fomenting discord and racial strife,planning strikes and faning the flames of uncivil unrest.This is how the BBC uses licence payers money,putting on pedestals characters who in former times would have fetched up in the Tower of London.

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