Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Conservatives Hate Criticism!

It would seem that if any criticism is levelled at Conservatives now over their values-free non agendas it prompts a veritable avalanche of ad hominem hate mail as the insensate reactions to my comments here show.Perhaps Teresa May was right: it is the Nasty Party!

I just wish all the power luster entryist who now seem to dominate the party would come clean and admit that all principles have been jettisoned in a naked pursuit of power for power's sake and that the party would stop flying under false colours and change its name to something more apposite.It certainly has no claim to the name Conservative now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nico,
You have inspired a backlash of Conservatives by your observation of their airhead and vapid policy in Crew.
You now have a golden opportunity to explain and educate them. They have opened their hearts to hear why you assert females are inferior to men in every way.
The world should know how your Christ supports this and how a better society will come from an all-male Ruling Party.
Don't lose face now by not replying.