Sunday, July 29, 2007

Liberals Are Fascists

Liberals are all fascists to varying degrees. They want to use the State to force people to do things they would not otherwise do - like hand their hard earned money over to workshy layabouts so they can reproduce more of their shiftless kind. The liberal doesn't see this as fascism but rather, humanitarianism. But it is of course fascism.

So liberalism flying under false colours for 60 years plus, most people are conditioned into thinking this perverted humanitarianism -a sort of vicarious philanthropy is the genuine article. They would be able to see through it had they not been conditioned like statist robots through the state education system. They thus sanction their own victimhood.

Freeing such people from this mental and physical slavery is absolutely impossible. Such moral and spiritual serfdom is imbred and the only outcome is totalitarianism - that we see creeping upon us right now here in the UK.

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