Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cameron Unmasked

Liberals run the criminal justice system and the criminals are the beneficiaries. Their victims are hoodwinked by the liberals with carefully doctored statistics that show that crime is falling.The stats themselves are the product of criminal deception. No one trusts this corrupt system and the country is in very real danger of being overun by criminal elements.

The political party hitherto regarded as the party of law and order,the tories have sold the pass to the liberals and are now out-bleating the left on the need to 'understand' the criminals - to 'hug a hoodie' in the modish parlance adopted by the Tory pretender Call meDave Cameron. This counter intuitive surge to the left surely represents a misreading of Middle England unrivalled in modern times and this has been reflected in the catastrophic poll and bielection results just recorded.

If the party has indeed been hijacked by a lunatic left fringe which is now tail wagging the dog one would expect to see open revolt in the ranks but up till now this has not happened. Now that Dave is in apparent freefall with the electorate it now is.Could this foppish twat soon be history?

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