Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Separation Of School And State

The UK should follow this

State mind control of British youth is sinister and fascistic. Keep the State out of our Schools would be a good motto.

The State has had a century or two to get it right. It was never going to happen. Third rate politicians running schools - whose bright idea was that.

The State is a cancer on education. It fears independent schools and wants to suck them in to its satanic maw. When they have lost their independence they start issuing demands. They seek to dilute the quality and integrity of such systems by foisting on those schools the hoi polloi, lowest common denominator, the no hoper social effluence. This is not done to elevate the latter(who could) but to drag down the calibre and quality of the best.

1 comment:

Bret Reid said...

Did you get my emails? politicalsoul said you're having problems with pc, bret.